My Blog

November Code Festival

I was part of November Code Festival organized by Digital School. My project was chosen one of the best in this festival.


Hackathon winner team in Tech Festival KosICT

During these 2 days in Tech Festival, I participate in a Hackathon with topic: "Back to the future", where I won the First Place, Best Project title with my project: "Feel the Space" in part of KosICT.


Creating a Digital Portfolio (CV)

During this project I was facilitator where I held a two-day workshop about DIGITAL PORTFOLIO in cooperation with NGO THY.


Developing the Website of NGO THY

This project aimed, together with NGO volunteers and with my help as a web developer, to come to a conclusion about what the THY web should contain ?; And what will the design be like?


Intro to Web Design Couse

In collaboration with NGO THY I lectured a 4 week intensive training on WEBSITE DESIGN and WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT and in the end all successful participants were certified
