All my projects

Dr. Besim Morina Website

The website is a professional online presence for a top cardiologist in Kosovo, allowing patients to schedule appointments, contact the doctor, and easy navigation.

Based In Science Website

I created and manage the website for Based In Science, a non-profit promoting STEM education in Balkans & UK, using my web development skills and WordPress & PHP.

Map Vibes

Map Vibes is a direction app that allows you to explore new destinations and landmarks. It's a new way to navigate the world and make your own decisions on where to go.

Feel the Space

I developed "Feel the Space", a web platform that provides space information, an e-commerce section, and management tools. It also includes a forum for connecting people with a common interest in space.

Online Store using php & mysql

Online store admin side and user side!

My town website

Created for the town where I live, just to notify the people about my town

Online Store using React js

Online store with paypal payments intergration and guest user shopping

Chat App

Chat App using React Js, Firebase, Chat Engine

Tic Tac Toe Game

Designed to play with no ads and to have fun with friends and family :)


Designed to play with no ads and to have fun with friends and family :)

Covid-19 Statistics

In this time when we all need to know more about covid new cases, I used a javascript api using react js to get all new data in real time....

THY Website for students

This project was created when I was teaching Front-End Development in cooperation with NGO THY. In this website student can get all the materials needed for class and to submit their homeworks!

Covid-19 stats for Albanians

This project is for all states where Albanians live. I used HTML, CSS and JavaScript also an API to get all the real time data about new covid cases!

Omegle IP Location Finder

This code is a litle JavaScript trick to use in omegle website when you can find the users IP and their Location and Address :)

HTML, CSS, Javascript Smooth Scroll

This website is created just for fun to use some javascript and css trick to create amazing scroll :)

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